"Gemports The Colored Gemstone Reference Price Guide" Launch Event

  • Date
    14 Jun 2024
  • Description
    On June 14, 2024, HKJMA Chairlady - Ms. Bronia Yip was invited to attend the global launch of "Gemports - The Colored Gemstone Reference Price Guide". The reference price guide aims at expanding the market, fostering confidence and transparency, and educating buyers.

    The creation of The Gemports: The Colored Gemstone Reference Price Guide is an exceptional initiative resulting from a collaborative effort among four esteemed organizations: the Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China (GAC), the National Gemstone Testing Center (NGTC) – China, The Gems, Jewelry, and Precious Metal Confederation of Thailand (GJPCT), and the Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (TGJTA), which is commemorating its 50th anniversary this year. Together, these organizations are committed to expanding the global colored stone market by establishing a pricing reference framework, promoting transparency, and driving international growth.

    This results in establishing standardized and internationally recognized prices, considering factors such as source of origin, carat weight, color, quality enhancement methods, clarity and cut. These reference prices help end-users to have pricing guidelines and enhance confidence in their transactions. Additionally, Gemports provides convenience for sellers to showcase unique colored gemstone products and serves as a tool to boost market efficiency and expand the colored gemstone market sustainably, allowing colored gemstones to develop as valuable investment assets in the future.

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