Jieyang Jadeite Study Tour

  • Date
    26 Jun 2024 ~ 28 Jun 2024
  • Description
    Collaborate Resources, Inspire the Future
    J-HUB and NGTC's first collaboration on the "Jewelry Industry Research Study Tour" was completed successfully

    The [Jieyang Jadeite Study Tour] was the first collaboration between J-HUB and NGTC, aimed at creating a practical, industry-focused learning program. The program was conducted in Jieyang, the jade capital of Asia in China. The keys to the study tour were to allow all participants in-depth exploration through a combination of industry expertise, academic knowledge, and hands-on learning opportunities under the guidance of NGTC expert instructor.

    The 3 days program included a Feichui identification theory session, as well as hands-on practice in identifying Burmese and Guatemalan Jadeite. At the same time, participants were able to understand the marketability and price points of Jadeite materials. The program also integrated site visits to provide a comprehensive understanding of the jade and jewelry industry. By comprehending the enterprises' development journeys, their founding principles and motivations, as well as their broader business strategies, the participants were able to obtain a more holistic understanding of the Chinese jadeite market and industry. This integrated approach aims to inspire the industry's stakeholders to learn from the excellence, driving innovation by initiating new benchmarks for the industry.

    This immersive, industry-focused learning experience allowed participants to not only develop technical jade expertise, but also appreciate the underlying entrepreneurial spirit, corporate vision, and market dynamics shaping the gem and jewelry business. The program fully integrates industry, academic, and research resources, utilizing various forms like site visits, lectures, and hands-on practices, to help participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry. The overall emphasis of this collaborative research and learning initiative was designed to be inspiring and transformative, paving the way for future development and advancement in the jewelry industry.

    Key aspects of the program design

    Guatemala Jadeite, also known as "Maya green Jadeite," has recently been discovered in the jewelry market. The commercial grade material is predominantly bluish, deep blue, and gray in color, with an overall grayish and dark tone. Guatemalan Jadeite is comparatively much lower in price than Burmese Jadeite. However, recent discoveries of high-quality Guatemalan Jadeite with high chromium composition can reach the quality standard of imperial green Jadeite in terms of material, texture, and color. Guatemalan Jadeite has been certified as "Natural FeiCui" by the NGTC (National Gemstone Testing Center) and is now gradually entering the Chinese jade market, possessing certain market value and development potential compared to Burmese jade. The Jadeite certification system currently does not have a definitive determination of the origins of Jadeite materials. The objective of this program is to be able to identify and distinguish between Burmese and Guatemala Jadeite, as this can significantly impact the value and cultural significance of the material.

    The curriculum is designed to be a multifaceted learning experience, spanning both theoretical knowledge and practical insights, to equip participants with a deeper understanding of the jadeite industry and its latest developments, aims to provide participants with opportunities to experience a broader spectrum of the jadeite industry. What is more, be inspired!

    Program Highlights

    1. The curriculum integrates theoretical and practical training in the identification of Burmese jadeite and Guatemala jadeite, under the guidance of NGTC instructor who is also an industry expert.

    2. Visit the studio of jade caving master– Zhang BingGuan, highly skilled talent as declared by the People's Republic of China, experience the charm of premium jadeite art and culture and understand how artistic integration enhance the value of Jadeite materials.

    3. Young jewelry designers (young entrepreneurs) share experiences of how they draw inspirations and integrate creativity and innovation into jewelry designs.

    4. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the one-stop production process for Guatemala jadeite, from raw material to end-products, and learn about their work on material standardization.

    5. Participants who successfully complete the program receive a completion certificate jointly issued by J-HUB and NGTC as tangible evidence of their achievement.

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